
RPCReply is originally a class in ncclient package, but it is enhanced by ncdiff to support XPATH.


RPCReply supports method xpath() but not filter().

>>> reply = m.get(models='openconfig-network-instance')

>>> ret = reply.xpath('/nc:rpc-reply/nc:data/oc-netinst:network-instances'
>>> assert(set(ret) == {'GigabitEthernet0/0'})


In order to facilitate xpath(), users may call ns_help() to view the mapping between prefixes and URLs.

In some cases, especially when rpc-error is received, there might be some namespaces that are not claimed in model schema. ns_help() still lists them and make up some prefixes for you.

>>> reply = m.edit_config(delta, target='running')
>>> reply.ok
>>> reply.ns_help()

Section author: Jonathan Yang